Smart Line Pro-Active

Smart Line Pro-Active Progressive Lenses

 Smart Line Pro-Active Progressive Lenses are ultra-soft progressive lenses made for a dynamic lifestyle that is optimized to each wearer’s prescription, their stage of presbyopia, and their special fitting parameters.

Smart Line Pro-Active SV Wellness Lenses

Smart Line Pro-Active SV Wellness Lenses are advanced single-vision lenses equipped with accommodation assistance that provides wearers with an unbeatable all around vision for all single-vision prescriptions.

Smart Line Pro-Active Office Plus Lenses

Smart Line Pro-Active Office Plus lenses are advanced office lenses that are the best fit for your individual workstyle, these lenses come with a pre-designed lens type with variable degression that is optimized for 50/80/200 cm main vision distance i.e., Book, PC, and Room distance.

SmartLine Active

Smart Line Active Progressive Lenses

Smart Line Active Progressive lenses are aspherically optimized thinner, flatter, lighter lenses with a design that is optimized to the wearer’s vision needs and customized to their frame size. These lenses provide the wearer with comfortable vision with wider and clearer viewing zones at all distances

Smart Line Active Office Lenses

Get larger vision zones for your PC work with Smart Line Active Office Lenses. Active Office Lenses come with two degression types that are optimized for 80 c.m main vision distance and that aid wearer with near vision and office work by providing natural and clear vision at most near vision distances.

Smart Line Active Bifo Smart Lenses

Smart Line Active Bifo Smart Lenses are advanced bifocal lenses that provide wearers with a step-less transition from far to near vision without any hindrances
